Wednesday 24 August 2011

Finding Your Al Pacino & The baby Steps of Market Leadership

This post in my free app creation blog series shows you why it is important to have someone play Devil's Advocate with your idea: You want it to be bulletproof! Also, I go over using social media in taking your first steps towards market leadership.

Monday 22 August 2011

Chuck Norris & Answering the Why

Today's blog post is about being able to sort through your ideas quickly and efficiently. Ides aren't permanent like tattoos, so don't get emotionally attached to them if they don't stack up when you have to answer the 'why's' of your app

Tuesday 16 August 2011

How to Create an iPhone App Step 2

Here's my second installment in the How to Create an iPhone app. I'll take you through how I found my first idea and the ideas that failed. Then see what to do once you've nailed your idea.

Sunday 7 August 2011


Here is the first installment in 'How to create An iPhone App'. It's easier, cheaper and more fun than you think. There are two important things to remember: all you have to start with is an idea, and You Don't have to Recreate the Wheel